PhenQ Review: Is This The ULTIMATE Weight Loss Pill or Not?


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phenq bottles

Diet pills are everywhere; sadly majority of them don’t work. The ones that do usually focus only on one tiny element of weight loss (either suppressing your appetite or promoting metabolism to burn more fat).

What if there was a pill that combined the power of several weight loss supplements into one convenient tablet? That’s exactly what PhenQ claims to offer.

Actually, this brand of pills claims it can help your body to:

  • Burn stored fat
  • Reduce your appetite
  • Boost your energy levels and mood
  • Prevent fat production

It claims that it can do all this thanks to its potent formula that includes a blend of appetite suppressing as well as metabolism boosting ingredients. Sure, this supplement contains many of the same ingredients you’ll find in other effective weight loss pills (such as Phen375), but it’s a unique blend with one secret, unique patented ingredient called a-Lacys Reset.

This one particular component will give you the metabolism boost you need to burn more fat and calories. However, what does science has to say about this supplement?


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female researcher

Usually, you can find many claims made by companies that their products were studied by unbiased researchers who have proven that their products are working effectively. However, they seldom refer to those studies on their official websites.

Surprisingly, PhenQ isn’t just another supplement like this that’s backed by pseudoscience.

There are several studies to show that the supplement’s essential ingredient, a-Lacys Reset, is effective at reducing body fat and weight. It can even help increase your muscle mass and the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn each day naturally.

From my personal experience, majority of supplement manufacturers talk about their product being clinically proven, but never actually tell you the results of these “so-called” studies. In this case, the PhenQ does.

When compared to a placebo, people who took a-Lacys Reset lost 3.44% body weight, lost 7.24% body fat, and saw a 3.8% increase in muscle mass. That’s impressive results for any weight loss product – including prescription-strength medications.

We know that PhenQ’s results are impressive, but what other ingredients are inside the pill? Let´s find out below.


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PhenQ Ingredients


The PhenQ pills include the following ingredients:

  • L-Carnitine Furmarate (150 mg)
  • Caffeine Anhydrous (142.5 mg)
  • α-Lacys Reset® (25 mg)
  • Nopal (20 mg)
  • Capsimax (15.5 mg)
  • Chromium Picolinate (10 mcg)
  • Calcium Carbonate (amount unknown)
  • Magnesium Stearate (amount unknown)
  • Silicon Dioxide (amount unknown)


The PhenQ pills include the following ingredients:

  • L-Carnitine Furmarate (150 mg)
  • Caffeine Anhydrous (142.5 mg)
  • α-Lacys Reset® (25 mg)
  • Nopal (20 mg)
  • Capsimax (15.5 mg)
  • Chromium Picolinate (10 mcg)
  • Calcium Carbonate (amount unknown)
  • Magnesium Stearate (amount unknown)
  • Silicon Dioxide (amount unknown)


(150 MG)

Naturally found in green vegetables, nuts and red meat, this amino acid aids in the conversion of fat into energy. It then fuels your body, leaving you energized to undertake your daily activities.

The best part? It can reduce your stored body fat.

One research study conducted on rats by Brandsch and Eder (2002) indicate that L-Carnitine may be helpful for weight loss only to those who are suffering from its deficiency:

“The rat model used here did not show a positive effect of L-carnitine supplementation on weight loss and body composition of rats fed an energy-deficient diet. The animals’ endogenous carnitine synthesis was obviously adequate to ensure efficient beta-oxidation of fatty acids during the catabolic phase.”

Another more recent study I really like was conducted by Pekala and others (2011) who conclude the following:

“Essentially, L-carnitine transports the chains of fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix, thus allowing the cells to break down fat and get energy from the stored fat reserves. Recent studies have started to shed light on the beneficial effects of L-carnitine when used in various clinical therapies. Because L-carnitine and its esters help reduce oxidative stress, they have been proposed as a treatment for many conditions, i.e. heart failure, angina and weight loss. For other conditions, such as fatigue or improving exercise performance, L-carnitine appears safe but does not seem to have a significant effect.”

After going through conclusions of several research studies I have to say that science looks on L-Carnitine with a little skepticism.


(142.5 MG)

It is not surprising that there’s caffeine in this diet pill. It is common in energy drinks and other diet pills for a reason; it is a stimulant. This attribute means that once consumed, a person becomes more alert, focused and they experience a reduction in fatigue levels.

An added advantage with regards to weight loss, caffeine reduces the feeling of hunger.

It also increases thermogenesis, and when paired with exercise, helps you get the most of your workout and burn even more calories. There is a lot of research done on various benefits and effects of caffeine.

There is a lot of research done on various benefits and effects of caffeine. Except promoting alertness, it also helps your body to curb appetite and lose weight:

“A series of four trials was carried out to investigate the effects of caffeine and coffee on the metabolic rate and substrate utilization in normal weight and obese individuals. … In conclusion caffeine/coffee stimulates the metabolic rate in both control and obese individuals; however, this is accompanied by greater oxidation of fat in normal weight subjects.”

What is more, studies show that caffeine also boosts your metabolism and helps you burn body fat through thermogenesis:

“High caffeine intake was associated with weight loss through thermogenesis and fat oxidation and with suppressed leptin in women. In habitual low caffeine consumers, the green tea-caffeine mixture improved WM [weight management], partly through thermogenesis and fat oxidation.”


(25.0 MG)

A patented, proprietary ingredient, a-Lacys Reset is a combination of alpha-lipoic acid and cysteine. This trademarked formula works by accelerating the body’s metabolism and boosting the body’s thermogenesis, that is, the production of heat.

The combination of alpha-lipoic acid and cysteine enable your body to burn fat quicker. That means that you can achieve your dream body in a matter of months. You’ll be able to burn calories faster than you would with pills that only target your metabolism.

Taking PhenQ also increases your muscle composition, and you’ll, therefore, appear toned.

You can read more about weight loss effects of Alpha-lipoic acid and how it works regarding insulin sensitivity in this great article on For more info on how cysteine works in regards to losing fat, feel free to read this great article on

The first ingredient in a-Lacys Reset – the alpha-lipoic acid – is an antioxidant found in foods like broccoli, potatoes, spinach, liver, and kidney. It also improves aerobic metabolism, reduces free radical production and is responsible for the breaking down of carbohydrates, creating more energy for the body.

There are some indications that this substance alone could become a vital part of treatment for obese persons. Not only that, it works great for weight loss among diabetic patients according to a study made by Okanović and others (2015):

“The group treated with 600 mg alpha-lipoic acid lost significantly more weight, and had lower triglyceride level than the control group. There were no significant differences in total cholesterol and glucose serum levels between the groups.”

The second ingredient in a-Lacys Reset – the cysteine – is a semi-essential amino acid that is available in high protein foods such as eggs and meat as well as in oats, lentils, garlic, and peppers. It plays a significant role in the structuring of various proteins in the body and is often used in various supplements for bodybuilders as it helps to increase the building of muscle strength.

Not only that, it also serves as a potent antioxidant that may help with the insulin resistance and potentially even with the weight loss as pointed out in this study:

“The anti-oxidative activity of NAC [N-acetylcysteine] has been attributed to its fast reactions with free radicals as well as the restitution of reduced glutathione. Further, NAC has anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties which can have positive effects during the inflammatory process in insulin resistance. Moreover, NAC can modulate certain signaling pathways in both insulin target cells and β cells.”


(20.0 MG)

Nopal is a type of cactus that is high in fiber- something that’s essential in every weight loss diet due to its hunger control properties. It’s rich in amino acids, too, which will provide you with more energy for intense weight loss journey.

Not only that, Nopal also helps with reducing water retention too, which will help you to become “dryer” and lose water weight that makes you look bloated.

There has been a study that confirms that cactus fiber can help your body with fat excretion leading to less dietary fat that will be stored in your body:

“Cactus fiber has been shown to significantly promote fecal fat excretion in healthy adults. The results of our study support the hypothesis that cactus fiber helps in reducing body weight by binding to dietary fat and increasing its excretion, thus reducing dietary fat available for absorption.”

The second ingredient in a-Lacys Reset – the cysteine – is a semi-essential amino acid that is available in high protein foods such as eggs and meat as well as in oats, lentils, garlic, and peppers. It plays a significant role in the structuring of various proteins in the body and is often used in various supplements for bodybuilders as it helps to increase the building of muscle strength.

Not only that, it also serves as a potent antioxidant that may help with the insulin resistance and potentially even with the weight loss as pointed out in this study:

“The anti-oxidative activity of NAC [N-acetylcysteine] has been attributed to its fast reactions with free radicals as well as the restitution of reduced glutathione. Further, NAC has anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties which can have positive effects during the inflammatory process in insulin resistance. Moreover, NAC can modulate certain signaling pathways in both insulin target cells and β cells.”


(15.5 MG)

This powder is a commercial blend of capsicum, caffeine, niacin (Vitamin B3) and piperine. Both the piperine (from black pepper) and the capsicum (from chilly peppers) have elevated thermogenic properties that can increase the heat of your body.

Some preliminary research shows that piperine also has the potential to inhibit the formation of new fat cells. Piperine by itself is a potent agent in the reduction of body weight, cholesterol, and fat mass.

According to a research study published in Indian Journal of Pharmacology, this will allow you to burn more body fat passively:

“Supplementing piperine with HFD [high-fat diet] significantly reduced not only body weight, triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL [low-density lipoprotein], VLDL [very low-density lipoprotein], and fat mass, but also increased the HDL [high-density lipoprotein] levels, with no change in food intake.”

On the other hand, the capsicum plant has clinically aided in significant levels of weight loss. There are human and animal studies that support the role of capsicum in enhanced weight loss and heightened energy. Ultimately, it assists in the prevention of obesity.


(10.0 MCG)

The ingredient that curbs appetite in PhenQ is chromium picolinate, a key component in many weight loss supplements. It is an essential natural mineral and trace element found in whole grains, vegetables, and meat.

It practically improves the way how the body uses insulin. This process is very important, especially for those who feel that they lack willpower to eat less, and will make losing weight a lot easier.

Chromium picolinate aids in the curbing of sugar cravings and intake (Anton, et al.; 2008):

“The primary finding of this series of studies was that CrPic reduced food intake in both humans and Sprague-Dawley rats. CrPic decreased food intake in healthy, overweight adult women who reported craving carbohydrates. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine whether CrPic affects food intake in humans. The reduction in food intake did not appear to be related to illness or other adverse effects of CrPic; the only adverse event related to the intervention was reported by a participant assigned to placebo treatment.”

It primarily acts by regulating the sugar levels in one’s blood and providing the cell fuel to burn for energy. When taken, chromium helps the cell to take sufficient amounts of sugar, leaving a person with fewer cravings.



This mineral has added advantages; it’s not just good for your bones. There are some indications that dietary supplementation could help a person to maintain a healthy weight.

Calcium sends signals to your body that it’s well-nourished, and there’s no need to store any more fat. As a result, the body uses up its fat stores instead of craving for more food.

One study showed that adults who took a higher amount of calcium within six months were able to lose more weight and body fat than those who did not:

“Increasing dietary calcium significantly augmented weight and fat loss secondary to caloric restriction and increased the percentage of fat lost from the trunk region, whereas dairy products exerted a substantially greater effect.”

However, there are other studies concluding that supplementation of dietary calcium is not that effective for improving weight loss. A research study conducted by Sue Shapses and others in 2004 concluded that:

“Analysis as separate trials also found no significant differences between the placebo and the calcium groups. Calcium supplementation did not significantly affect amount of weight or fat lost by women counseled to follow a moderately restricted diet for 25 wk. Nevertheless, the magnitude and direction of the differences for group means are consistent with a hypothesized small effect.”

Another research study conducted by Yanovski and others in 2009 concluded that:

“Dietary supplementation with 1500 mg/d of elemental calcium for 2 years had no statistically or clinically significant effects on weight in overweight and obese adults. Calcium supplementation is unlikely to have clinically significant efficacy as a weight gain preventive measure in such patients.”

From all the research I have analyzed, I have to conclude that Calcium Carbonate is at least inconclusive with regards to weight loss or prevention of weight gain.



Considered soap, this chemical helps keep supplements from sticking to each other during production. It’s not a weight loss ingredient but necessary for manufacturing purposes. If you’re allergic to this ingredient, avoid taking PhenQ altogether.


PhenQ dosage instructions

There are 60 pills in each bottle. You’re required to take two tablets a day, one in the morning with your breakfast and the other at lunch. Due to the caffeine in the supplement, you’re advised against taking it past 3 pm because it is likely to cause sleep disruption.

Dosage info was taken from official product website on (April 17th, 2018). Please always check and follow dosage rules on your product label as these may have changed.


PhenQ dosage instructions

There are 60 pills in each bottle. You’re required to take two tablets a day, one in the morning with your breakfast and the other at lunch. Due to the caffeine in the supplement, you’re advised against taking it past 3 pm because it is likely to cause sleep disruption.

Dosage info was taken from official product website on (April 17th, 2018). Please always check and follow dosage rules on your product label as these may have changed.


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phenq side effects

The natural ingredients in PhenQ should not cause any adverse side effects. However, because of the transformation taking place in your body (weight loss), you may experience:

  • Digestive issues
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Restlessness

Because we are no scientists, not even medical professionals, we rely on reputable sources such as WebMD to learn more about potential side-effects for individual ingredients used in PhenQ:

  1. Calcium Carbonate can cause some minor side effects such as belching or gas if taken in normal doses (LIKELY SAFE – see more here)
  2. Chromium is usually safe to take daily but some people may experience side effects such as skin irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, mood changes and impaired thinking, judgment, and coordination (LIKELY SAFE – read more here)
  3. L-Carnitine can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, heartburn, diarrhea, and seizures (LIKELY SAFE – see more here)
  4. Alpha-Lipoic Acid, when taken orally, can cause a rash (POSSIBLY SAFE – see more here)
  5. Cysteine can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea or constipation (rarely, it can cause rashes, fever, headache, drowsiness, low blood pressure, and liver problems) (LIKELY SAFE – see more here)
  6. Nopal can cause side effects such as mild diarrhea, nausea, increased amount and frequency of stool, bloating, and headache (LIKELY SAFE – see more here)
  7. Niacin powder can commonly cause stomach upset, intestinal gas, dizziness, pain in the mouth, and a flushing reaction including burning, tingling, itching, and redness of the face, arms, and chest, as well as headaches (LIKELY SAFE – see more here)
  8. Piperine (also known as black pepper) should be safe and without any side-effects only a burning aftertaste (SAFE – see more here)
  9. Caffeine Anhydrous can cause insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate and respiration, and other side effects (LIKELY SAFE – see more here)
  10. Capsicum can cause stomach irritation and upset, sweating, flushing, and runny nose (LIKELY SAFE – see more here)

Although most people who take PhenQ report no side effects as the supplement’s ingredients are all natural, we believe that you should be informed also about those side-effects that are highly uncommon or improbable for you to make a well-informed shopping decision.

However, I have to conclude that these mild side-effects are very common among weight loss pills and are easily manageable.


There are some cases when you should not take these pills. These include:

  • People who are under the age of 18
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • If you suffer from diabetes or cancer
  • Have liver or kidney disease
  • Take antidepressants
  • Have endocrine or autoimmune disorders

The makers of PhenQ also warn that you should consult your doctor before taking this supplement if you have any pre-existing medical condition or are taking any medications.


There are some cases when you should not take these pills. These include:

  • People who are under the age of 18
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • If you suffer from diabetes or cancer
  • Have liver or kidney disease
  • Take antidepressants
  • Have endocrine or autoimmune disorders

The makers of PhenQ also warn that you should consult your doctor before taking this supplement if you have any pre-existing medical condition or are taking any medications.



Taiylah P. (Age 21)
Lost 44 lbs in several months

Taylah PhenQ Testimonial

Here is her testimonial:

“I have been overweight from young ago, but just recently had a wake-up call. While on a family cruise, I couldn’t join my family for dinner as I didn’t fit in the chair. That’s when I stopped and told myself I needed to lose weight.”

“Since then I have started doing exercise, eating healthier and taking PhenQ (ordered the 2+1 package). A lot of people thought I couldn’t do it, but here I am – 44 lbs lighter than when I first started taking PhenQ.”

“I can now be more active in day to day life and I have found applying for jobs easier and more accessible now that I have ethereal mobility to do all jobs required.”

Ghislain R. (Age 31)
Lost 11 lbs in 1 month

Ghislain PhenQ Testimonial

Here is his testimonial:

“In recent years I gradually started to gain weight. Once I passed 176 lbs I began to get frustrated, tried several diets (ineffective) and to improve my overall lifestyle but without results. I even went up to 187 lbs.”

“Then I found PhenQ and started taking it. I think it took me about 2 weeks to start seeing results but then they started coming in and I took after photos to compare. I lost 11 lbs in 1 month thanks to PhenQ!”

“Overall I feel more confident, I can see my wife proud of my change and I have so much more energy to be effective all day at work and still have the energy to play with my son at night.”

Axelle W. (Age 22)
Lost 9 lbs in 1 month

Axelle PhenQ Testimonial

Here is her testimonial:

“My name is Axelle, I bought a box PhenQ and used it for just over a month. My objectives were simple: lose belly fat and love handles, get a bit more of strength and be in the best shape possible!”

“Combined with a diet change and some exercise, so far I lost 9 lbs in 1 month with the help of PhenQ! Overall I am very satisfied, but I feel that my transformation is not over and will continue taking for 3 months more to get the maximum results possible!”

Valerie O. (Age 31)
Lost 20 lbs in 5 months


Here is her testimonial:

“I have 2 kids and I couldn’t even run with them in the park anymore as I would get tired very fast due to my weight. I ordered PhenQ to help me out and created a schedule of what I had to do every day.”

“After a month I started seeing results and in 5 months with PhenQ I went down two sizes and lost about 20 lbs! If you are starting on PhenQ now, my advice for you is to not give up if you don’t see results right away. It’s not gonna happen overnight but keep it up and read the support emails as they have helpful tips and advice.”

Nicola D. (Age 36)
Lost 14 lbs in 9 weeks


Here is her testimonial:

“I was struggling to lose weight that had crept on over 3 years due to becoming self-employed and not keeping up with a healthy lifestyle. Started taking PhenQ and saw results after just 2 weeks. My appetite reduced and I started eating healthier and keeping more active.”

“The biggest challenge was cutting down on chocolate which I love, but I lost 14 lbs in 9 weeks! Overall my confidence has risen and I love buying clothes a size under what I was wearing! I feel so full of energy and find I’m not looking for sugary treats at all now.”

“My final advice would be to stick with PhenQ. It really helped me and the consistent support through email keeps you on track. Also, take pictures at the start as it really spurs you on during your journey.”

April R. (Age 35)
Lost 20 lbs in 3 months


Here is her testimonial:

“After giving birth twice I had some weight that I couldn’t get rid of off on my own. With the help of PhenQ I gave up on junk off and started eating healthier overall. I saw results after just a week and lost a total of 20 lbs in 3 months! My advice to others is simple.”

“Don’t try fad diets. I have done that with no result. Give PhenQ a try and you will love it. It’s amazing and I am going to continue to use it when I fully reach my goals.”

These images are collected from the official product website If you want to see more images, then visit




Video shared by the official PhenQ channel on Youtube. In this video, Kyra admits that she managed to lose some weight in just a one and a half month.

Actually, she managed to get rid of an inch on all main areas of her body (butt, belly, and thighs).


Video shared by the official PhenQ channel on Youtube. In this video, Kyra admits that she managed to lose some weight in just a one and a half month.

Actually, she managed to get rid of an inch on all main areas of her body (butt, belly, and thighs).


Video shared by the nickname Arielle Leigh on the Youtube. In this video, Arielle talks about her life struggle of losing weight and how PhenQ has helped her to get rid of a lot of it.

Actually, she managed to get rid of 11 pounds within one month, in another five she has lost 47 pounds and after eight months she is down 77 pounds.


Video shared by the nickname Arielle Leigh on the Youtube. In this video, Arielle talks about her life struggle of losing weight and how PhenQ has helped her to get rid of a lot of it.

Actually, she managed to get rid of 11 pounds within one month, in another five she has lost 47 pounds and after eight months she is down 77 pounds.


Another youtube video where Katherine shares her personal experience with PhenQ pills. She has bought 3 bottles and after three months, she managed to get rid of 42 pounds.

That is a huge weight loss. Sadly, Katherine does not show us her before and after pictures, so there is no proof of her success.


Another youtube video where Katherine shares her personal experience with PhenQ pills. She has bought 3 bottles and after three months, she managed to get rid of 42 pounds.

That is a huge weight loss. Sadly, Katherine does not show us her before and after pictures, so there is no proof of her success.


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Why should you choose PhenQ over other weight loss pills? Well, the manufacturer of this product states that with this supplement, you can:

  • Lose weight, burn fat
  • Gain more energy
  • Experience fewer sugar cravings
  • Reduce your appetite
  • Regain your lost confidence
  • Improve your health

The best part about the PhenQ supplement is that it addresses all of the elements of weight loss (instead of just one), so you see real results.


However, with many products aimed at weight loss, one can expect to experience various negative side-effects. This is what we have discovered:

  • Results take time – PhenQ’s real problem I was able to discover is that it takes a time to see results. But you weren’t expecting overnight weight loss, were you?
  • Counterfeit products – Like with any other weight loss products, there are many people who try to make money by selling fake versions of PhenQ.

That is why I always recommend making your purchase only through the official product website. Just keep in mind that no pill in the world can help you lose weight overnight.

Being more active and reducing your caloric intake will help you lose weight more quickly, but PhenQ should work without you having to change your daily routine.


So, is this the ultimate weight loss pill? Although it is not being the perfect option, we think it is one of the best on the market. Science backs it, and it addresses all of the elements of weight loss.

From appetite suppression to burning fat and calories, this supplement does it all.

Although it comes with side-effects (some people report upset stomach, jitters, and nausea) it is very effective especially when you combine it with some exercise and healthy diet.

It can even help you improve your muscle mass, so you burn more calories naturally. While it may take some time to reach your goal, I believe that the results are well worth the wait.


So, is this the ultimate weight loss pill? Although it is not being the perfect option, we think it is one of the best on the market. Science backs it, and it addresses all of the elements of weight loss.

From appetite suppression to burning fat and calories, this supplement does it all.

Although it comes with side-effects (some people report upset stomach, jitters, and nausea) it is very effective especially when you combine it with some exercise and healthy diet.

It can even help you improve your muscle mass, so you burn more calories naturally. While it may take some time to reach your goal, I believe that the results are well worth the wait.


PhenQ in stores mobile

PhenQ in stores

Right now, you can purchase PhenQ supplement safely only from the official product website. The price of one bottle is $69.95, but they offer discounts of almost $70 and $140 when you buy two, respectively three bottles.

SPECIAL DEAL: You can get 2 free PhenQ bottles with a free Advana cleanse right here.

In each container, you’ll find 60 pills and you are directed to take two capsules a day, one in the morning and the other at lunch. That means you need a bottle per month. Payment is possible through American Express, Visa or MasterCard.

Thus far, the company has received a lot of praise from customers.

PhenQ clinical trials on their main ingredient, α-LACYS RESET®, have shown that a person can lose 7.24% body fat, 3.44% of the initial body weight and had a 3.80% muscle mass increase. These results demonstrate that this diet pill works. With no reported cases of side effects, one can safely use PhenQ as part of their weight loss journey.

Overall, we hope to have addressed all your concerns about PhenQ; it proves to be a worthy companion in anyone’s weight loss journey.


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phenQ official website

This is how official product website looks like
(updated on 8th August 2018)

As you can see in the above paragraphs, right now, you can get the PhenQ only online, trough the official manufacturers website. But do not worry, I will try my best to inform you if you can get it anywhere else.

Just keep in mind that by not making a purchase from the official product website you are exposing yourself to several risks.

#1. No money back guarantee

The producer offers an unconditional 60-day money back guarantee. Here are statements taken from the official refund policy page:

“If for any reason you are not fully satisfied with PhenQ, simply return the unused bottles in the original container within 67 days of when you received your order. We will refund you 100% of the product price – excluding shipping charges.”

This guarantee will not be available for purchases made in a different store/website. This is always a huge deal for me.

If I want a product, I have to be sure that can return it in case I am not satisfied, right?

#2. No guarantee of quality

Another fact you need to know is that the producer offers a quality guarantee on its formula and ingredients. Again, in case you find this product on Amazon or any other third party website, it might be a knockoff product.

Therefore, there is a huge risk of not getting the genuine, proven formula. This may be a reason that some people see absolutely no results and only waste their money.

#3. Lack of free shipping

The product manufacturer does not have any official supplier in other countries. However, this company ships worldwide and the shipping charges are free.

#4. Potential insecure transactions

The producer makes sure that your product is made in the UK. What is more, the official website includes a “Trust Wave Badge” and all orders are processed safely and securely using 2048-bit encryption. This is the same level of security that all leading banks use.

The PhenQ seems to be a very effective supplement for losing weight. However, these days there are many counterfeit cheaper versions sold all over the internet. That is why I advise you to always purchase your supply only from the official product website



PhenQ vs Phen375 mobile

PhenQ vs Phen375

After a thorough comparison of PhenQ and Phen375, I can say that both products offer potent weight loss pills that are incredibly popular. However, I have to say that I personally like PhenQ product slightly more, because:

  • PhenQ is made by a well-known company that has a long history in the market of weight loss products.
  • Both products include potent ingredients, but PhenQ is much more transparent in declaring precise amounts of individual substances used.
  • A monthly supply of PhenQ will cost you only half the price of Phen375.
  • PhenQ is delivered worldwide and free of charge while Phen375 charges shipping and handling fees and is not delivered to certain countries.
  • While both products provide the 60-day money back guarantee Phen375 has stricter conditions to become eligible for a refund.

SPECIAL DEAL: You can get 2 free PhenQ bottles with a free Advana cleanse right here.

Do not take me wrong; I am not stating that Phen375 is a bad weight loss supplement. I am just stating that I personally think that PhenQ is a better option in the above aspects.

However, both brands seem to offer fantastic products, so if you have Phen375 already, don’t feel you need to swap. You can read the detailed comparison in the article that is linked below.


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PhenQ faqs

Does PhenQ actually work?

(FAQ #1)

The PhenQ works well for both men and women. Just keep in mind that results will vary from one person to another. The general rule is as follows – the more body fat you have, the faster your initial results will be.

Thanks to PhenQ formula composed of strong ingredients, this product will suppress your appetite, increase your energy levels, and improve fat-burning processes – no matter if you are a man or woman.

However, it is very hard to tell how much weight you will lose because results are very individual and will depend on many factors, including:

  • Right changes in your eating habits
  • The amount of regular exercise
  • The regularity of taking these pills

You should see a weight loss even without any exercise or dietary changes. However, if you add physical activities and healthy lifestyle to these pills, your results should be even better.

From what I have read on various forums and websites, users claim to lose between 15 to 35 pounds per month. However, there is no way we can be sure these are legitimate.

Is PhenQ FDA approved?

(FAQ #2)

The answer to the question of whether PhenQ is approved by the Food & Drug Association (FDA) is a little bit more complicated than it may sound in the first place. The official product website states this on the website the following:

“Using the highest quality, natural ingredients and prepared in FDA and GMP approved facilities in the US and the UK, PhenQ is the ultimate, all-in-one weight loss pill.”

As you can see, there is a reference to the FDA approval only with regards to manufacturing facilities. This means that facilities making PhenQ (and several other pills as well) have been inspected by the FDA authority to verify if they comply with manufacturing practice regulations.

For PhenQ, having FDA approved facilities means that, after inspection, they met the requirements that need to be adhered to produce the diet pills. However, this does not mean that PhenQ is approved by the FDA for any purpose including losing weight at the time of writing this post.

It is crucial for you to remember that according to the official website of the FDA, they do not approve dietary supplements, not even their labels.

Where can I buy PhenQ?

(FAQ #3)

The harsh truth is that right now, you can get the PhenQ only online, trough the official manufacturers website. But do not worry, I will try my best to inform you if you can get it anywhere else.

Just keep in mind that making your purchase through the official PhenQ website comes with several advantages:

  • You will avoid counterfeit products
  • They offer 60-day money back guarantee
  • They ship PhenQ worldwide
  • The shipping is free
  • Your package will be discreet
  • All orders should be dispatched within 24 to 48 hours since ordering

It is good to know that in the past, there was a flat rate shipping fee of $9.98 on all single bottle orders. At the time of writing, even these are sent free of charge.

Are these pills for everyone?

(FAQ #4)

While these pills are safe for the general population, there are still several categories of people who should stay away from PhenQ, including:

Rather do not take these pills if you:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Are under 18 years old
  • Have diabetes or cancer
  • Have liver or kidney disease
  • Take antidepressants
  • Have endocrine or autoimmune disorders

If you are taking any prescription medication or have any pre-existing medical condition, you should consult your medical professional first.

Are there any discounts & shopping codes?

(FAQ #5)

I have been looking all over the internet to find any special coupon codes. Sadly, I was not able to discover any. But do not lose your hope as in the past, there were several occasions when the official company released extra discount codes.

Luckily, there are two discounted packages you can select on the official product website:

  1. Two bottles + one free for $139.90
  2. Three bottles + two free + free adavna cleanse for $189.95

Obviously, your savings will be bigger if you purchase more bottles at once. The first discounted option will provide you with a three-month supply for $139.90. That makes approximately $46.60 per month (a saving of $69.95).

The second discounted option will provide you with a five-month supply for $189.95. That makes approximately $37.99 per month (a saving of $159.80).

Can you buy PhenQ on eBay?

(FAQ #6)

I was surprised to see some offerings of PhenQ on eBay. There are some price savings offered but there are many disadvantages to making your purchase on eBay rather than on the official product website.

  • No money back guarantee
  • No guarantee of product quality
  • Usually no free shipping

I want to emphasize that although you could find PhenQ in other places for a much lower price, you are exposing yourself to a risk of purchasing counterfeit products with different formulas that usually do not work at all.


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Just a girl obsessed with everything related to weight loss & feeling healthy. Christine is my pen name and I hope you will love the stuff I write. Been researching diets & health since 2013 and my articles helped over 12 000 000 readers to date.Please keep in mind that this site is for informational purposes only and that you always need to consult your decisions with your doctor.