How Many Cups of Peppermint Tea Should You Drink a Day?


Peppermint tea is one of the healthiest teas you can drink and it offers many proven benefits. Few of us know that it can have some serious side effects as well, especially if you drink too much of it.

So there is a great question many people ask themselves.


I have been doing research online on the topic of peppermint tea for hours. I have found out that the amount that should still be safe is around 2-3 cups of peppermint tea a day if you are not allergic to it, pregnant, or breastfeeding.

I would not drink more than that as overconsumption is connected with many side-effects such as diarrhea, heart palpitations, reflux, and a slowed heartbeat (see more on side-effects at the end of this article).

Although a recommendation by University of Maryland Medical Center says that you can drink up to 4-5 cups of peppermint tea a day, I am still sticking with 2-3 cups just to be safe.

Thanks to the fact that peppermint tea has no caffeine in it, the best time to drink it is in the evening as it will make you relax and you will fall asleep faster and feel more refreshed in the morning.

To avoid some nasty side-effects, you should take a good care when preparing your cup of tea. Below is a basic guide you should follow just to be safe.


Luckily, preparing a cup of peppermint tea is simple and you can make it easily at home. All you will need is a kettle, water, and fresh peppermint leaves (these are easy to grow even at home).

Once you have everything at hand, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Get a tablespoon of crushed fresh peppermint leaves (or 1 teaspoon of dried ones) per cup of tea
  2. Bring water (about 6-8oz per cup) in your kettle to boil
  3. Set the kettle aside (turn it off) and wait for water until it stops boiling (usually 1 minute is enough)
  4. Add peppermint leaves
  5. Steep it for at least 5 minutes (up to 12 minutes)
  6. Strain out leaves
  7. Pour a cup of your tea
  8. Enjoy while it is still hot (but do not burn yourself)

For the most optimal health benefits, it is best to sip your cup of tea while it is still hot. I recommend not to add any sweetener to it if you can handle its taste (if you have to, then use high-quality organic honey).


Luckily, preparing a cup of peppermint tea is simple and you can make it easily at home. All you will need is a kettle, water, and fresh peppermint leaves (these are easy to grow even at home).

Once you have everything at hand, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Get a tablespoon of crushed fresh peppermint leaves (or 1 teaspoon of dried ones) per cup of tea
  2. Bring water (about 6-8oz per cup) in your kettle to boil
  3. Set the kettle aside (turn it off) and wait for water until it stops boiling (usually 1 minute is enough)
  4. Add peppermint leaves
  5. Steep it for at least 5 minutes (up to 12 minutes)
  6. Strain out leaves
  7. Pour a cup of your tea
  8. Enjoy while it is still hot (but do not burn yourself)

For the most optimal health benefits, it is best to sip your cup of tea while it is still hot. I recommend not to add any sweetener to it if you can handle its taste (if you have to, then use high-quality organic honey).


hot tea pot

If you prepare your cup correctly, then you should be able to enjoy its many benefits for your body, as peppermint tea:

  1. Provides relief from cold & flu symptoms
  2. Provides relief from stress
  3. Calms your stomach
  4. Is a good source of antioxidants
  5. Promotes digestion
  6. Supports your liver & gallbladder
  7. Helps with constipation
  8. Helps with bad breath
  9. Provides relief from menstrual symptoms
  10. Reduces a migraine & headache
  11. Fights bacteria, fungi & viruses
  12. Helps with weight loss
  13. Improves mental focus & concentration

If you want to learn more about individual health benefits mentioned above, I have written a great article that focuses on individual peppermint tea research studies and is available here.


mysterious cup of tea

Are you worried about overdosing on peppermint? Can you drink too much peppermint tea? Let’s find out.

Luckily, studies have not found peppermint to provide any real dangers to a person. There are some issues that might be caused by drinking too much of this tea, click here for more details. The only exception is when you take incredibly large amounts!

Digging through research, most studies say that this hot beverage may cause problems when consumed in high dosages, but none really says what would occur.

However, a few precautions are seen with:

  1. Infants & small children – Do not give peppermint tea to infants or small children. The aromatic oil from peppermint can cause serious breathing problems.
  2. Pregnancy – While this tea itself is safe, there may be a potential risk to the fetus when drank in massive quantities. Typical consumption is deemed okay in this case, but extra large amounts have not been studied.
  3. Allergy – The most common danger may be an allergic reaction. If you know you have an allergy to this plant, do not consume it! This is valid for beverages made from this plant as well.
  4. Acid reflux – People with acid reflux should not drink peppermint tea, because it may have a numbing effect on the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach, allowing the acid to rise.
  5. May interact with medications – According to a reputable online source called, peppermint can interact with a lot of medications, such as cyclosporine, medications changed by the liver, antacids, H2-Blockers & Proton pump inhibitors.
  6. Too strong for infant & babies – This plant is considered too strong for infants and babies by many medical experts. There are indications that the aromatic oil from peppermint can cause serious breathing problems to infants. Also, it could cause burning sensations in their mouths.
  7. Lowers blood sugar levels – If you have a tendency to have lower blood sugar (hypoglycemia), or you are suffering from diabetes, pay attention as there are some indications that peppermint can worsen this condition.
  8. Possible contamination – As far as I am concerned there are no tests by the FDA before a tea enters the market. That is why there is no guarantee that the peppermint tea you are consuming is free from any contamination by pesticides, heavy metals, and other toxins.

As always, you’ll want to consume a reasonable amount (2-3 cups a day) to be safe and avoid most side effects of peppermint tea. However, I believe that you would have a difficult time experiencing any negatives from this drink itself.

So, the only question is “why aren’t you drinking more peppermint tea?”

Just a girl obsessed with everything related to weight loss & feeling healthy. Christine is my pen name and I hope you will love the stuff I write. Been researching diets & health since 2013 and my articles helped over 12 000 000 readers to date.Please keep in mind that this site is for informational purposes only and that you always need to consult your decisions with your doctor.