What Are Bingo Wings & How to Get Rid of Them


No one wants bingo wings. You might not even know they are there. But they are, and they jiggle so much. Yet, most women (and some men) have them.

Those aware of their presence dread quite a number of things.

Ranging from giving a simple wave in public to clamping your arms at your side to not wearing sleeveless or strappy blouses and tops. It is worse when it’s summertime and you can not even dream of wearing a bikini.

All these issues are as a result of bingo wings.

As you walk, you could swear that your bingo wings are moving and jiggling away. Exposing your upper arms can be a fraught time if it leaves this flabby skin on show.


bingo wings

The term “bingo wings” is now the common name referring to the saggy folds of loose flesh or skin hanging from the undersides of mostly women’s (and sometimes men’s) upper arms.

According to scientific research, the presence of flabby arms could show a lack of the hormone testosterone. It plays a pivotal role in producing lean body mass. It is known as the so-called male hormone. Women have it in lesser quantities but both men and women need it.

Personal trainer Richie Jones says there are up to six types of bingo wing:

  1. ‘Classic’ bingo wings – These are often seen on women who lack tone in their upper arms.
  2. ‘Rump Lumps’ – These result from the extra weight at the top of the arms and on the pectoral muscles, and earn their name because they look like a ‘small backside’.
  3. The ‘Double Chubble’ – This type is known as a bingo wing on top of a bingo wing. It tends to afflict very overweight women.
  4. ‘Jabba Flabba’ – Named after Jabba the Hutt in Star Wars, is at the worst end of the scale. Sufferers have ‘several rolls of unsightly fat that extend from the wrist to the upper arm’.
  5. ‘Arm Charms’ – This one is a fold of skin which hangs loosely from the arm. Dieters who shed huge amounts of weight are more likely to suffer from these.
  6. ‘Chap Flaps’ – These are the male bingo wings as men are not spared from this scourge. They tend to appear when men put on weight generally.

So much love is lost between you and your arms. Your bingo wings have made you uncomfortable and possibly become the one part of your body you are uncomfortable with.

Luckily, many solutions have come up over time meant to get rid of bingo wings.


toned arms

There are simple and affordable ways to get rid of your bingo wings. There are also expensive ways to do so. Both ways work regardless of the size or shape you will start out from.

You could go with the simple ways of drinking more water than normal and exercising at home or at the local neighborhood gym. Other people opt to subscribe to an expensive gym membership with a lot of fancy equipment.

Following methods will help you sculpt yourself a pair of lean and sexy arms, free of sag and wobble.


people on GM diet

The first and most difficult step to take will be changing your diet. Clean up your diet and reduce those portion sizes. To prevent the further deposit of fat on your arms increase your production of testosterone naturally.

You can do this by consuming more protein as well as fat, or cholesterol.

These are essential for the production of testosterone. So you can eat nuts, eggs, and butter but not hydrogenated or trans fats. That means no cakes and biscuits if you want to wave in public without jiggling arms.

You can just as well take supplements such as Magnesium, Zinc, and B vitamins.


people in gym

There are many arm-strengthening exercises meant to tone your triceps. These are the muscles above your elbow. It is old news that you should warm up before you start exercising and do some stretch moves after your exercises.

Cardio burns fat and resistance training builds any muscle of your choice. A combination of these two result in toning of your arms.

Cardio, ideally High-Intensity Interval Training, burns out all the calories. Resistance training involves body strength exercises and weightlifting. When your muscle starts to burn and eventually exhaust, you are officially bodybuilding.

There are a number of exercises you can do.

Some of these exercises are crafted by yoga expert Danielle Collins. These are easy exercises done at home and can become part of your daily routine.

As you wait for your favorite sitcom repeat, workout. For some of the exercises, you will need dumbells. If you don’t have these, you could always improvise with tin cans.



These kind of push-ups are the perfect start for a beginner. They are pretty simple to perform and still target the triceps. Just follow these instructions:

  1. Stand at arm’s length from a wall.
  2. Place your hands on the wall at chest height and shoulder-width apart or closer (a closer grip will work your triceps harder).
  3. With your elbows tucked in, bend your arms to lower your body towards the wall.
  4. Let your heels come off the floor as you lean in to the wall to keep your body straight.
  5. Push back up and repeat 10 to 15 times.

You should ensure that your body forms a rigid plank from head to toe during the exercise. For more of a challenge, stand further away from the wall and perform the exercise with your hands on a stable chair or on the floor instead of the wall.



Bench dips focus on your triceps and are thus also known as triceps dips. You need to:

  1. Sit on a stable chair with your hands gripping either side.
  2. With your back facing the chair, rest the heels of your hands on the edge of it, knees bent.
  3. It is important to keep your spine straight and your bottom close to the chair.
  4. Inch your feet forwards to lift your bottom off the chair.
  5. Inhale to lower your bottom down, pointing your elbows directly backward.
  6. You should keep your arms bent at 90 degrees, keeping your elbows tucked in.
  7. Exhale and tighten your abs as you push back up, straightening your arms.

Keep your knees hip-width apart and bent at 90 degrees. You should repeat this 10 to 15 times. You should not thrust your hips up as you push back up. If you want to make things tougher, straighten one leg and lift the other foot up off the floor and keep it in the air as you perform a tricep dip, then swap legs.

To make this exercise easier, do dips without the chair, with your hands on the floor. For those in the mood for more of a challenge, perform bench dips with straight legs.



As from the name, one can clearly deduce that these exercises target the tricep muscles:

  1. Start by kneeling down on your right knee and then leaning forward.
  2. Raise your left elbow behind you and keep the arm bent at about 90 degrees.
  3. Straighten your left elbow to raise your arm behind you as far as feels comfortable. Do not overstretch.
  4. At last, bend your elbow to return to the starting position.

Repeat these movements 10 to 15 times. Then, switch knees and perform the exercise with the right arm.

You should ensure that the elbow performing the kickback stays raised during the exercise. For those in need of more of a challenge, perform the kickback holding a weight (such as a dumbbell or a bottle of water or a tin filled with cereals).



Press-ups are very simple and popular exercise to tone your muscles in arms. However, many people are doing it wrong. To perform a correct press-up, follow these instructions:

  1. Start this move when you are on all fours.
  2. Spread your hands out shoulder wide and let your knees rest on the floor a little lower under your hips.
  3. Inhale to lower your chest (not your face) between your hands.
  4. As you do this, you should keep your abs tight and your back straight.
  5. Exhale to push back up.

You can do this as many times as you can. Just keep in mind that you need to always maintain a proper pose and firm abs.



To perform a dumbbell row exercise you need to follow simple instructions:

  1. Hold a dumbbell or a full tin can in your left hand and rest your right knee and hand on a chair (or bench).
  2. Ensure your back is flat and your shoulders are creating a right angle at the supporting shoulder and hip.
  3. One should also keep their core tight and bring their left elbow to the side of their chest.
  4. Switch sides and repeat.

Ideally, you can do 10 to 15 sets of this.



This exercise move targets the biceps muscles. All you have to do is to:

  1. Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells in front of your thighs, palms facing up.
  2. You should then exhale to curl the weights to shoulder height.
  3. Repeat these movements up to 10 or 15 times.

You can do these exercises in this exclusive plan – 30-day arms challenge. It will help you get rid of bingo wings over time.


Ideally, you should be doing all of these exercises (to what degree and to what extent depends on your goals). Exercises, when coupled with the right diet (which still depends on your goals), work the best.

Ask yourself how soon and how toned you want your arms to be.

Get your motivation and dedication on and get on with those arm exercises. Yes, it will take time. The jiggling will not disappear just like that. But, if you put your mind to it, the end will bring forth wonderfully toned arms.

Once you adopt these exercises into your lifestyle, you will definitely be healthier and happily flaunt your arms in all those summer tops and bikinis you have been avoiding. There will be no more jiggling.


Ideally, you should be doing all of these exercises (to what degree and to what extent depends on your goals). Exercises, when coupled with the right diet (which still depends on your goals), work the best.

Ask yourself how soon and how toned you want your arms to be.

Get your motivation and dedication on and get on with those arm exercises. Yes, it will take time. The jiggling will not disappear just like that. But, if you put your mind to it, the end will bring forth wonderfully toned arms.

Once you adopt these exercises into your lifestyle, you will definitely be healthier and happily flaunt your arms in all those summer tops and bikinis you have been avoiding. There will be no more jiggling.

Just a girl obsessed with everything related to weight loss & feeling healthy. Christine is my pen name and I hope you will love the stuff I write. Been researching diets & health since 2013 and my articles helped over 12 000 000 readers to date.Please keep in mind that this site is for informational purposes only and that you always need to consult your decisions with your doctor.