Plexus Slim Reviews, Ingredients and Results Discussed


Plexus Slim 2 Packs


Plexus Slim Hunger Control & Plexus Slim Microbiome Activating

Around $87.95 per package

Plexus Worldwide (Scottsdale, Arizona)


GNC (not available), Amazon (not available)

In the world of weight loss supplements and pills, you often face the problem of whether to take it slow and steady while being careful, or see significant results right away. Most people want the best of both, but that seems out of reach.

The promise of Plexus Slim is to give you that high caliber weight loss solution without putting yourself at high risk, and that is definitely a promise worth looking into.

If those claims are true, then this supplement might be a complete no-brainer for a great number of people, so I’m going to cast a light on it and give it a thorough look to see what you can really expect.


Plexus Slim 2 Packs

Plexus Slim is a series of two individual products distributed by a company called Plexus Worldwide and intended for proper weight management. These include:

  1. Plexus Slim Hunger Control
  2. Plexus Slim Microbiome Activating

Both these products come in a powdered form that when combined with water form a cool-looking pink drink full of various substances (I will provide more info on ingredients later in this post).

By drinking Plexus Slim products, you should be able to control your appetite and improve microflora of your gut – hence improve your digestion.

This way, you should be able to change your lifestyle, lose weight, and promote healthier you.


Plexus pink drink

If you have your blood sugar levels out of balance, you can bet that the hormones necessary to tell you to stop eating are compromised. This is when Plexus Slim supplement comes into play. It is rich in various ingredients and substances that will help you to suppress your appetite.

To make the Plexus Slim powder work, all you have to do is to:

  1. Get a glass or a shaker bottle
  2. Open 1 slim pack of your Plexus Slim powder
  3. Get it into your glass or shaker
  4. Pour in 12-20 ounces of water
  5. Mix or shake it well
  6. Drink it around 30 minutes before a meal (once a day)

If you want to experience much better (and faster) results, combine this powder with a Plexus Accelerator+. Formulas of both products were designed to be synergistic and used together, so do not try to use accelerator on its own.


Plexus pink drink

If you have your blood sugar levels out of balance, you can bet that the hormones necessary to tell you to stop eating are compromised. This is when Plexus Slim supplement comes into play. It is rich in various ingredients and substances that will help you to suppress your appetite.

To make the Plexus Slim powder work, all you have to do is to:

  1. Get a glass or a shaker bottle
  2. Open 1 slim pack of your Plexus Slim powder
  3. Get it into your glass or shaker
  4. Pour in 12-20 ounces of water
  5. Mix or shake it well
  6. Drink it around 30 minutes before a meal (once a day)

If you want to experience much better (and faster) results, combine this powder with a Plexus Accelerator+. Formulas of both products were designed to be synergistic and used together, so do not try to use accelerator on its own.



hunger control + ingredients

INGREDIENTS: Chromium (as chromium polynicotinate) (200mcg), Polydextrose (6,250mg), Plexus Slim blend (531mg)

PROPRIETARY BLEND INCLUDES: Green coffee bean extract (with 50% chlorogenic acid and less than 2% natural caffeine), Garcinia cambogia fruit extract, alpha lipoic acid, and Mulberry fruit extract

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Natural flavors, citric acid, stevia leaf extract, fruit and vegetable juice with beet root extract, and silicon dioxide


(200 mcg)

Chromium plays an important role with regards to stabilizing blood sugar levels in your body (and hence minimizing food cravings). I have found a good article about chromium that points out its role with regards to weight loss:

“Chromium supplementation is a simple method to improve blood sugar control in some people. Several studies have evaluated the effect of chromium on glucose levels with varied results, but a significant number of these studies have shown that chromium can normalize blood sugar levels, improve blood sugar utilization and decrease insulin requirements in patients with glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.”


(6,250 mg)

Polydextrose is a non-digestible oligosaccharide (a synthetic polymer of glucose), that has been categorized as a form of soluble fiber. According to a research study published in a journal Nutrients, polydextrose has a significant effect on your appetite:

“This case study demonstrates, for the first time, that polydextrose reduces the Desire to Eat during the Satiation period. This may explain, at least in part, the observed effects of polydextrose on the reduction of levels of energy intake at subsequent meals.


(531 mg)

This special blend includes Green coffee bean extract (with chlorogenic acid and less than 2% natural caffeine), Garcinia cambogia fruit extract, alpha lipoic acid, and Mulberry fruit extract.

There are a lot of articles and studies dealing with these four substances. I really liked the article dealing with studies of Green Coffee Beans and weight loss:

“In a recent small, 22-week study, researchers gave 16 overweight adults low doses of green coffee bean extract (350 mg, twice a day), high doses of the supplement (350 mg, 3 times a day), or a placebo (3 times a day) for 6 weeks each with a 2-week break of not taking the pills between sequences. Subjects were encouraged to be physically active, but no dietary changes were recommended.”

“Results of the study, funded by Applied Food Sciences, Inc. (a company that manufactures green coffee bean extract) and published in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, found that subjects who took the extract lost about 18 pounds on average — more than 10 percent of their body weight. No adverse side effects were noted.”

From a plethora of articles dealing with Garcinia Cambogia extract, I would like to point out one by Dr. Axe, that is analyzing this substance into details and points out that:

“Some studies have found that garcinia cambogia might, in fact, be able to help with low amounts of fat loss, plus some of the other health concerns mentioned above, although its effects are rarely strong or consistent. For example, research suggests that HCA works by blocking a certain enzyme called adenosine triphosphatase-citrate-lyase, which contributes to the formation of fat cells.”

“Studies have also suggested that it’s possible that HCA found in garcinia cambogia can help lower someone’s appetite by increasing production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is associated with calm, happy feelings and. therefore, sometimes appetite suppression, less cravings and reduced desire for comfort foods.”

There is a great and very detailed article on ALA and its effect on weight loss that states:

“While ALA is often touted as primarily a powerful antioxidant, ALA seems to have potentially beneficial effects on fat loss as well as prevention of further fat gain.”

“Multiple studies have shown that ALA stimulates the activation of an enzyme called 5’-adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK) in muscle and fat tissue. AMPK is the cells fuel gauge and switches it into a state that optimizes fat oxidation.”

I have discovered an interesting research study that presents substances extracted from Mulberry fruit as very effective for weight loss and management in cases of high-fat diets (not in normal diets):

“The phytochemical constituents of a freeze-dried powder of mulberry (Morus alba L.) fruit (MFP) were determined. The hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of the MFP as a dietary supplement were evaluated in rats who were fed 4 weeks of either a high-fat or a normal diet supplemented with 5% or 10% MFP. Administration of MFP to rats on a high-fat diet resulted in a significant decline in levels of serum and liver triglyceride, total cholesterol, serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and a decrease in the atherogenic index, while the serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was significantly increased.


These include substances, such as natural flavorscitric acidstevia leaf extract, fruit and vegetable juice with beet root extract, and silicon dioxide.



microbiome activating + ingredients

INGREDIENTS: Chromium (as chromium polynicotinate) (200mcg), Xylooligosaccharide (1,000mg), Plexus Slim blend (531mg)

PROPRIETARY BLEND INCLUDES: Green coffee bean extract (with 50% chlorogenic acid and less than 2% natural caffeine), Garcinia cambogia fruit extract, alpha lipoic acid, and Mulberry fruit extract

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Citric acid, natural flavors, stevia leaf extract, beet root extract and other fruit and vegetable juice, cellulose gum, and silicon dioxide

The official producing company has launched a new Plexus Slim products at the end of 2016. Their formula is slightly different than the original version.


(200 mcg)

Chromium plays an important role with regards to stabilizing blood sugar levels in your body (and hence minimizing food cravings). I have found a good article about chromium that points out its role with regards to weight loss:

“Chromium supplementation is a simple method to improve blood sugar control in some people. Several studies have evaluated the effect of chromium on glucose levels with varied results, but a significant number of these studies have shown that chromium can normalize blood sugar levels, improve blood sugar utilization and decrease insulin requirements in patients with glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.”


(1,000 mg)

Everyone knows that without healthy guts you will have a much harder time when trying to lose weight. Luckily, this substance is according to this research study a powerful prebiotic that supports a healthy gut flora:

“Although these data are controversial, they suggest that specific phyla, classes or species of bacteria, or bacterial metabolic activities could be beneficial or detrimental to patients with obesity. The gut microbiota is, therefore, a potential nutritional and pharmacological target in the management of obesity and obesity-related disorders.


(531 mg)

This special blend includes Green coffee bean extract (with chlorogenic acid and less than 2% natural caffeine), Garcinia cambogia fruit extract, alpha lipoic acid, and Mulberry fruit extract. There are a lot of articles and studies dealing with these four substances.

I really liked this article dealing with studies of Green Coffee Beans and weight loss:

“In a recent small, 22-week study, researchers gave 16 overweight adults low doses of green coffee bean extract (350 mg, twice a day), high doses of the supplement (350 mg, 3 times a day), or a placebo (3 times a day) for 6 weeks each with a 2-week break of not taking the pills between sequences. Subjects were encouraged to be physically active, but no dietary changes were recommended.”

“Results of the study, funded by Applied Food Sciences, Inc. (a company that manufactures green coffee bean extract) and published in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, found that subjects who took the extract lost about 18 pounds on average — more than 10 percent of their body weight. No adverse side effects were noted.”

From a plethora of articles dealing with Garcinia Cambogia extract, I would like to point out one by Dr. Axe, that is analyzing this substance into details and points out that:

“Some studies have found that garcinia cambogia might, in fact, be able to help with low amounts of fat loss, plus some of the other health concerns mentioned above, although its effects are rarely strong or consistent. For example, research suggests that HCA works by blocking a certain enzyme called adenosine triphosphatase-citrate-lyase, which contributes to the formation of fat cells.”

“Studies have also suggested that it’s possible that HCA found in garcinia cambogia can help lower someone’s appetite by increasing production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is associated with calm, happy feelings and. therefore, sometimes appetite suppression, less cravings and reduced desire for comfort foods.”

There is a great and very detailed article on ALA (alpha-lipoic acid) and its effect on weight loss that states:

“While ALA is often touted as primarily a powerful antioxidant, ALA seems to have potentially beneficial effects on fat loss as well as prevention of further fat gain.”

“Multiple studies have shown that ALA stimulates the activation of an enzyme called 5’-adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK) in muscle and fat tissue. AMPK is the cells fuel gauge and switches it into a state that optimizes fat oxidation.”

I have discovered an interesting research study that presents substances extracted from Mulberry fruit as very effective for weight loss and management in cases of high-fat diets (not in normal diets):

“The phytochemical constituents of a freeze-dried powder of mulberry (Morus alba L.) fruit (MFP) were determined. The hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects of the MFP as a dietary supplement were evaluated in rats who were fed 4 weeks of either a high-fat or a normal diet supplemented with 5% or 10% MFP. Administration of MFP to rats on a high-fat diet resulted in a significant decline in levels of serum and liver triglyceride, total cholesterol, serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and a decrease in the atherogenic index, while the serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was significantly increased.


These include substances, such as citric acid, natural flavorsstevia leaf extract, beet root extract and other fruit and vegetable juice, cellulose gum, and silicon dioxide.

plexus slim ingredients

INGREDIENTS: Chromium (as chromium polynicotinate) (200mcg), Plexus Slim Blend (530mg)

PROPRIETARY BLEND INCLUDES: Green coffee bean extract (with chlorogenic acid and less than 2% natural caffeine), Garcinia cambogia fruit extract, alpha lipoic acid

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Polydextrose, citric acid, natural flavors, beet extract, stevia leaf extract, luo-han-guo fruit extract, guar gum, silicon dioxide

As you will learn below, there are several potent ingredients in the original formula of Plexus Slim pink drink. However, before I dive into more details about the original Plexus Slim formula that is now discontinued, I have to point out that the producing company of this supplement is not disclosing the precise numbers of individual ingredients used in their Plexus Slim blend.

Although many companies do this as a protection of their formulas and intellectual property, this is always a red flag for me as I always want to know how much of each substance I am ingesting.


(200 mcg)

Chromium plays an important role with regards to stabilizing blood sugar levels in your body (and hence minimizing food cravings). I have found a good article about chromium that points out its role with regards to weight loss:

“Chromium supplementation is a simple method to improve blood sugar control in some people. Several studies have evaluated the effect of chromium on glucose levels with varied results, but a significant number of these studies have shown that chromium can normalize blood sugar levels, improve blood sugar utilization and decrease insulin requirements in patients with glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.”


(530 mg)

This special blend includes Green coffee bean extract (with chlorogenic acid and less than 2% natural caffeine), Garcinia cambogia fruit extract and alpha lipoic acid. There are a lot of articles and studies dealing with these three substances.

I really liked the article dealing with studies of Green Coffee Beans and weight loss:

“In a recent small, 22-week study, researchers gave 16 overweight adults low doses of green coffee bean extract (350 mg, twice a day), high doses of the supplement (350 mg, 3 times a day), or a placebo (3 times a day) for 6 weeks each with a 2-week break of not taking the pills between sequences. Subjects were encouraged to be physically active, but no dietary changes were recommended.”

“Results of the study, funded by Applied Food Sciences, Inc. (a company that manufactures green coffee bean extract) and published in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, found that subjects who took the extract lost about 18 pounds on average — more than 10 percent of their body weight. No adverse side effects were noted.”

From a plethora of articles dealing with Garcinia Cambogia extract, I would like to point out one by Dr. Axe, that is analyzing this substance into details and points out that:

“Some studies have found that garcinia cambogia might, in fact, be able to help with low amounts of fat loss, plus some of the other health concerns mentioned above, although its effects are rarely strong or consistent. For example, research suggests that HCA works by blocking a certain enzyme called adenosine triphosphatase-citrate-lyase, which contributes to the formation of fat cells.”

“Studies have also suggested that it’s possible that HCA found in garcinia cambogia can help lower someone’s appetite by increasing production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is associated with calm, happy feelings and. therefore, sometimes appetite suppression, less cravings and reduced desire for comfort foods.”

There is a great and very detailed article on ALA and its effect on weight loss that states:

“While ALA is often touted as primarily a powerful antioxidant, ALA seems to have potentially beneficial effects on fat loss as well as prevention of further fat gain.”

“Multiple studies have shown that ALA stimulates the activation of an enzyme called 5’-adenosine monophosphate kinase (AMPK) in muscle and fat tissue. AMPK is the cells fuel gauge and switches it into a state that optimizes fat oxidation.”


These include substances, such as Polydextrose, citric acid, natural flavors, beet extract, stevia leaf extract, luo-han-guo fruit extract, guar gum, silicon dioxide.



INGREDIENTS: Chromium (200mcg), Brown seaweed blend (500mg), White Kidney Bean 10:1 extract (200mg)

BROWN SEAWEED BLEND: Acophyllum nodosum, Fucus vesiculosus

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Hypromellose, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate & silicon dioxide


INGREDIENTS: Niacin (20mg), Vitamin B6 (30mg), Folic acid (400mcg), Vitamin B12 (500mcg), Calcium (16mg), Chromium (150mcg), Proprietary blend (950mg)

PROPRIETARY BLEND: Yerba maté extract, higenamine hydrochloride, hordenine hydrochloride, hawthorn extract, 5-HTP, green tea extract

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Hypromellose, rice flour, magnesium stearate & titanium dioxide


INGREDIENTS: Niacin (20mg), Vitamin B6 (30mg), Folic acid (400mcg), Vitamin B12 (500mcg), Calcium (16mg), Chromium (150mcg), Proprietary blend (608mg)

PROPRIETARY BLEND: Citrus reticulata/Nelumbo nucifera blend, yerba maté extract, Carallumaluma fimbriata extract, green tea extract

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Hypromellose, rice flour, magnesium stearate & titanium dioxide


young woman with headache

There is not a lot here to report regarding side effects because this is a dietary supplement based on substances extracted from nature. Actually, I was not able to locate any proven info on side-effects of Plexus Slim.

However, I am no medical professional.

That is why I have looked at what experts from reputable online website called have to say about individual ingredients in Plexus Slim products:

  • CHROMIUM POLYNICOTINATE – Some people experience side effects such as skin irritation, headaches, dizziness, nausea, mood changes and impaired thinking, judgment, and coordination (LIKELY SAFE – see more here)
  • POLYDEXTROSE – This substance can cause intestinal gas (flatulence), bloating, stomach cramps, and diarrhea (LIKELY SAFE – see more here)
  • GREEN COFFEE BEAN EXTRACT – I have found info only on side-effects of green coffee beans that include caffeine and not on the extract itself (POSSIBLY SAFE – see more here)
  • GARCINIA CAMBOGIA FRUIT EXTRACT – Common, but mild side effects include nausea, digestive tract discomfort, and headache (POSSIBLY UNSAFE – see more here)
  • ALPHA LIPOIC ACID – When taken orally, can cause a rash (POSSIBLY SAFE – see more here)
  • MULBERRY FRUIT EXTRACT – There is almost no information on the side-effects of this ingredient (POSSIBLY SAFE – see more here)
  • XYLOOLIGOSACCHARIDE – There is no report nor information about any side-effects (LIKELY SAFE)

As you can see, there are some very mild potential side effects that can be caused by individual ingredients but these are usually typical for products of this nature.

Each and every ingredient is classified as POSSIBLY SAFE except garcinia cambogia, where experts from WebMD were not sure whether or not high doses of this substance could potentially harm your liver.

However, my usual recommendation is to be extremely cautious and consult your medical professional if you suffer from:

  • Mental issues
  • Heart & blood pressure problems
  • Kidney disorders
  • Liver damage
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive issues

Keep in mind that it is you who is responsible for your own health and it is always better to be safe than sorry. That is why you should not take any supplement without doing proper research and consulting medical professional first.


woman with detoxing smoothie

Before you read the following section I want you to keep in mind that:

These testimonials, user feedback, and opinions were either taken from other websites or have been left as comments by anonymous people under this article. That is why I can not provide any proof that they are valid and you should take these with a grain of salt.

Actually, you should always be critical when assessing user feedback from this or other websites for any product as long as you can not be sure that it is really genuine. So, without any further delay, I am going to show you the user feedback that was left in the comment section of this article.


“Thanks for your fine article! I began Plexus Slim to lose weight almost 2 years ago! Little did I know what was in store for me as I continued my awesome journey!”

“Since then, I have been taken off all meds and have become an active member in society now, thanks to Plexus helping my body to work the way that it was meant to work! I’m a new person thanks to the Pink Drink!”

“With all the ingredients in our foods these days, our bodies do not recognize a lot of them so they get stored in our organs, bones, joints, brains, etc.,, causing so many unexplained symptoms. And we all know that eating properly is very expensive, so going to all organic and unprocessed foods is a great idea, but it’s difficult to be able to do that and survive in today’s society.”

“Plexus actually helps to eliminate all the bad things our bodies store, I’ve seen so many people get well after being sick for years, just because they tried Plexus. Once you start feeling better, thinking clearer, and gaining more energy, you can very easily begin to do things that you weren’t able to before, so now, exercise, proper nutrition, and just making better decisions about your health are literally a piece of cake!”

Read over comments like this below this review.


“I tried the Plexus Pink Drink yesterday at noon, by 3 am I was itching all over. When I woke up this morning my eyes were swollen shut, I had hives on my ears, chest elbows hands fingers and legs.”

“Thankfully I was able to get into the DR right away, I was having a horrible reaction to it!!! Now going on 24 hours since I took it my chest is so incredibly tight and sore, and it is incredibly hard to breathe… It looks like this isn’t for me!”

Read over comments like this below this review.


“It works, I was the same as you! Actually, I had tried EVERYTHING and nothing worked…then I tried it and in one week I went from being tired and depressed because I didn’t have the energy to get up and do anything (much less exercise). In a week I had lost 8 pounds and I was running again. I highly recommend it.”

“I’m 61 years old and I was always a size 8 and weighed 130, then I went through menopause. I gained 55 pounds and was miserable. I started taking it and now I am back to running again, lifting weights, feeling good and HAPPY. For the first time in years I am really HAPPY. I won’t stop taking it, even when I reach my goal I want to keep it off and it helps you do that too. I’m a firm believer in it!”

Read over comments like this below this review.


“After using Plexus Slim diligently and correctly for one month, I came away with 6 extra pounds (5’3, 125 normally) and crazy horrible hormone fluctuations. In the 2 months since coming off of Plexus, my PMS has lasted 2 full weeks and is just miserable (mood swings, extreme bloating, depression, etc). I never struggled with this before. Anyone else has this issue??”

Read over comments like this below this review.


“I have to tell you from personal experience: I use Plexus, My husband saw the results I was getting and he started it too…While I have no problem buying two monthly supplies of the Plexus and the accelerator for us, because the results have been great….it IS pricey.”

“By simply signing up as a consultant/ambassador etc for the product I save a considerable amount each month. (when someone asks if I’ve lost weight, I tell them YES, and ONLY if they ask what I did, will I share the Plexus story)”

“Right now I simply use the product for maintenance 4 days a week. I have MS and while there is no MIRACLE cure for that, Plexus has helped me balance other issues caused by the medication I AM on for this disease. I suffer from low blood sodium, low vitamin B and D and fluctuating glucose levels, as well as very low energy levels (I tire very easily).”

Read over comments like this below this review.


“First of all, I had a long list of health problems(migraines, nausea, fatigue, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, diabetes, problems with sun and heat, severe pain) was very sick and couldn’t walk, cut my food, dress myself … for 6 years… I can’t eat processed foods or take medicines from a doctor….”

“My body has a hard time with both… so I to got on Herbalife there I at least had food, something to get in my system… love our supplements, cold processed and really getting into the body… and I lost 40 pounds 32 inches…. do not have all the health issues, I have my psoriatic arthritis, but I have control of it, instead of it controlling me…. psoriasis, I still get, it’s amazing.”

Read over comments like this below this review.


“I just started taking Plexus Slim too, along with one accelerator and listen to my body so when I begin to feel a bit of that racing feeling you are talking about, I drink water… which is what is recommended and I think that feeling comes on as my body is depleted and toxins need flushing I need more water. As soon as I have a large glass of water, that feeling is gone.”

Read over comments like this below this review.

Overall, customers really likes this product but there might be some cons. Some are remarkably positive about it while others complain about few issues and side-effects.


plexus official site screenshot
The screenshot was taken on June, 28th, 2018

These days, it is easy to get scammed when making your purchase through the internet, especially in the case of weight loss pills and supplements. That is why we always recommend making your purchase through the official product website.

It is called – – and there you can purchase all of their products. At the time of updating this review, there were over 30 different products offered.


There are two Plexus Slim products, each containing 30 packets. Your daily dose should be between 1-2 packets a day, so depending on your dosage, here are prices of these products for one-month supplies:

  1. Plexus Slim Hunger Control – 30 packets will cost you $87.95
  2. Plexus Slim Microbiome Activating – 30 packets will cost you $87.95

There are also trial packages (that are much cheaper) you can try to see how your body will react to this product. As you can see, regular usage of Plexus Slim can become quite costly, especially if you are in the need of increased daily dosage.

Just imagine that losing a significant amount of body fat will take you at least 3-6 months. That would be around $350.00-$650.00 for something that you are not 100% sure will work for you.

Luckily, purchasing your product through the comes with several advantages.


The official product website points out that you can try Plexus Slim risk-free for 60 days. Your purchase is protected by a very advantageous money back guarantee that is valid for 60 days since you make your purchase.

Here is a citation from their guarantee page (copied on June 28th, 2018 – may have changed in the meantime) :

“We love showing people the way to a happy, healthy life. That’s why we stand behind the quality of our products. We’re so confident they’ll help you achieve the lifestyle you want, we offer a full refund within 60 days of the purchase date.”

“To request a refund, simply contact Customer Service at 480-998-3490 or at [email protected]. One of our agents will get to work quickly processing your refund and answering your questions.”

“This guarantee can only be used once per product and excludes certain promotional items. If you have purchased a Plexus® product directly from your Ambassador, your Ambassador will issue a refund to you.”


Actually, as far as shipping goes, I was not able to get the actual info on where precisely the distributing company sends their product. In the past, it has been shipping to following countries:

  • The United States
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

That is why I believe that they are shipping to these countries as well. However, I am not sure and have not confirmed this information.

As you can see, buying your Plexus Slim on the official product website (or via official Ambassador) is much safer as your purchase will be protected by a 60-day money back guarantee.



Plexus Slim 2 Packs

The formula of Plexus Slim includes many potent ingredients that are useful if you want to lose weight. These are often included in other appetite suppressants that are available on the market.

I have to say, that the two-way approach of improving your digestion through promoting and fixing your gut microflora and reducing your appetite is very promising. This way, I believe you should see some good results.

Although this product looks really promising, it comes with a few drawbacks…


My biggest issue with Plexus Slim is its price. You will pay around $87.95 for a one-month supply of Hunger Control and another $87.95 for a one-month supply of Microbiome Activating. However, you can get much more sophisticated and efficient weight loss pills for under $70.00 per month.


The second problem I see is the fact that the manufacturing company does not declare precise numbers of individual active ingredients used in their “Plexus Slim blend“. They only declare how much of this blend is used overall.

Although this is a common practice of companies protecting their “know-how” and investments into development of new formulas, I prefer a complete transparency and precise numbers for each and every individual substance used.

So, if you are convinced that this product is the right solution for you, then I highly recommend getting your hands on it directly through official product website or individual ambassadors. This way your purchase will be covered by a 60-day money back guarantee.

By the way, to make an educated consumer choice you should always read at least several opinions about individual products. So don’t forget to read other reviews of Plexus Slim on reputable websites like, or

Just a girl obsessed with everything related to weight loss & feeling healthy. Christine is my pen name and I hope you will love the stuff I write. Been researching diets & health since 2013 and my articles helped over 12 000 000 readers to date.Please keep in mind that this site is for informational purposes only and that you always need to consult your decisions with your doctor.