Will Green Coffee Bean Extract Help You Lose Weight?


fresh green coffee beans

HEY! DO NOT Buy This Supplement until you read My REVIEW based on Real, High Quality, and Fully Researched Information! Green Coffee Bean Extract is EXPOSED on DIETBLY!

Did you know that the coffee bean is actually a berry? Inside it is a seed that we usually roast and ground to make our morning cup of coffee.

However, the green coffee beans are the seeds that are not roasted.

The lack of roasting is what makes the extract from these beans a potent aid in your weight loss journey as it contains Chlorogenic Acid – commonly called CGA on an ingredient list in various supplements.

This substance may block fat and improve your weight loss efforts. It also regulates blood-sugar levels and appears to help with carbohydrate absorption.

Dr. Oz & Green Coffee Bean Extract

The famous Doctor Oz does speak about this extract and chlorogenic acid in general while not promoting any particular brand. His medical team performed a small study to discover if CGA really works.

In the study, they took a sampling of 100 women, giving some of them the actual CGA and some of them placebos. The women were asked not to change any dietary or physical habits over the course of the study and to maintain a food journal.

After a couple of weeks, the study concluded that women who took actual green coffee bean extract lost on average 2 pounds while those who took placebos lost an average of 1 pound each. Even though the study is rather small, it does appear to support the belief that CGA does help people lose weight without dieting or changing activities.

Dr. Oz points out that the brand you want to use should have these:

  • 45% Chlorogenic acid used in the product.
  • GCA (which stands for Green Coffee antioxidant) or Svetol. If neither is present, opt for a different product.
  • No fillers or artificial ingredients.

The word “pure” is often used just as a marketing strategy and means nothing, just ignore that.

How Does It Help You Lose Weight?

Girl Eating Fruits and Vegetables

Essentially, the Green Coffee Extract helps you shed fat by:

  • Blocking absorption of dietary fats.
  • Better absorption of carbs that will help your body use the available fats more efficiently.
  • Regulating your blood sugar levels for avoiding sugar cravings and “crash” when their sugar drops significantly.

The main idea is that you can take these pills before a meal to help control and regulate your body’s functions and still eat the diet you are most comfortable to consume.

Pay attention: Some people don’t prefer to increase their activity levels, or they can’t do so due to their health issues. This supplement should help you lose weight even without exercising.

Recommended Daily Dose

weight loss pills

You may find different doses of green coffee extracts with various concentrations of chlorogenic acids. Here are recommended daily dosages:

  • 1,200-3,000mg for a 10% chlorogenic acid supplement
  • 600-1,500mg for a 20% chlorogenic acid supplement
  • 240-600mg for a 50% chlorogenic acid supplement

You should divide this amount into three dosages and eat each one about 30 minutes before your main meals. This will allow this supplement to work more effectively than if you would take the pill right before or after eating.

Pay attention: Although this extract is rated as an herbal supplement, it is not under the auspices of the FDA and is still basically a drug. You should use this supplement for 12 weeks maximum and then take a month or two off.

Things You Need to Consider

While this type of supplement is generally considered safe to use for most people, there are some factors you should consider. You should definitely consult your medical expert if you suffer from:

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease and high blood pressure
  • Anxiety and jitters

You should avoid this product if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, suffering from irritable bowel syndrome,

Keep in mind: When or if you decide to stop taking this supplement, you should do so slowly. Stopping suddenly can cause withdrawal symptoms.

User Feedback & Experience

Women and men who have used the supplement have reported that they are:

  • Pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to maintain their regimen.
  • You just need to take three doses a day before meals.
  • Some people reported jitteriness at first, but after a while, their mood has changed to normal.
  • Most people lost about two pounds a week over a 12-week period.

Pay attention: People in general report that they have felt better had more energy and felt more confident with their bodies, too.

The Best Place to Get These Pills

Natures Design Green coffee beans extract

There are many websites such as Amazon or GNC, for example, that offer this supplement. You may also find it at numerous brick & mortar health and nutrition stores.

In general, you can find various brands that come in bottles offering a 30-day supply that costs between $20.00 to $50.00 (depends on package size).

However, make sure you read the ingredients according to the advice mentioned in this article and don’t be fooled by supplements that throw everything in but the kitchen sink. The more items listed in the product, the less impact these pills will have toward your goals.

Just a girl obsessed with everything related to weight loss & feeling healthy. Christine is my pen name and I hope you will love the stuff I write. Been researching diets & health since 2013 and my articles helped over 12 000 000 readers to date.Please keep in mind that this site is for informational purposes only and that you always need to consult your decisions with your doctor.