How to Stay Motivated to Drop That Fat and Become Sexier


motivated people

REMEMBER: These Are TOP 9 Tips to Stay Motivated to Drop That Fat and Become Sexier! Pay SPECIAL Attention to Tip #9! These Tips Helped Over 13,000 Readers! Great Photos INSIDE!

Each and every one of us needs to realize that it can take weeks and sometimes even months to drop that extra 10 pounds that you’ve been carrying around since college. The key is to stay motivated.

However, losing weight is easier said than done.

Don’t worry as we are giving you nine great tips to ensure that your motivation tank never runs empty on your journey to a sexy body.

Tip #1 – Set Achievable Goals

young couple jogging

People are great self-critics. Most of us are barely aware of our true potential. When you set goals, ask yourself if they are reasonable in relation to your overall abilities.

Your friend may have lost five pounds in just two months, but for you, two pounds may be the right goal to start. Just keep in mind that you will never be able to fulfill unrealistic and unreasonable goals.

Pay attention: Actually, this is the main reason for losing motivation as when you realize you’re not getting anywhere it is easy for your mind to persuade you to give up.

Tip #2 – Take One Step at a Time

Girl Eating Fruits and Vegetables

The moral “slow and steady wins the race” is apt in this context. People often tend to take on too much at a time and end up doing nothing. Therefore, we highly suggest you working on one task at a time until it is finally done.

After you get the hang of it, you can increase the number of tasks you perform or level the same task up.

Pay attention: When you start, don’t exercise too much. Instead of following a strict eating plan that eliminates all your favorite food just cut back on amounts of your usual intake. Set smaller weekly and monthly goals.

Tip #3 – Take Breaks Regularly

woman riding a bike

Weight loss is like your job. It should be your passion that gives you great pleasure. Despite this, there are times when you just need a break from the daily grind; one that will fight the monotony and help you relax and rejuvenate for further things to come.

The same applies to shedding pounds.

Going over the same exercise routines and meal plans will cause your motivation to wane. Therefore, give yourself a break for a day or two. Indulge in the foods you like and don’t exercise for the day.

Pay attention: This will let your motivation to run its natural course. If you ever miss a workout or eat out of the plan, never mind. Pick up from where you left and continue according to your original plan.

Tip #4 – Always Try to Be Optimistic

people on GM diet

Once you start working towards your goals, you will need to start looking at issues and problems from a different angle. What you will need is to learn to be optimistic.

Usually, people have an inherent characteristic to focus on what they don’t have or cannot achieve.

Keep in mind: This attitude will only hold you back. Look for the positive in everything. So what if your goal was three pounds in two months, and you lost only two. Celebrate it because this means progress too!

Tip #5 – Always Document Your Small Victories

lose belly fat plan

Maintain a log. You should record even the smallest victories including a one or two pounds lost or even a compliment on your looks!

You can also write down how you feel personally about the weight loss program and how it has affected your life so far. If you have the time, write down something at the end of each day otherwise maintain a weekly success journal.

Keep in mind: Whenever you feel low and want an instant boost of inspiration, you can read through this journal. You will feel a surge of motivation in you.

Tip #6 – Rewards & Treats Along The Way

bowl of fruits

The big finish (the perfectly toned bikini body) will take some time. However, you can reward yourself every time you achieve a small yet significant goal!

It could be:

  • Day off from exercise.
  • Enjoying your favorite food.
  • Relaxing body massage.
  • Simply a day to yourself.

Keep in mind: Having one of these from time to time will keep you motivated on your journey to sexy figure and better health.

Tip #7 – Healthy Competition Will Take You over The Top

woman and man lifting weights

It is a proven fact that competition will help you lose more weight than when you are trying to shed pounds alone. Working out as a team will keep you motivated as well.

Not only that, a team captain will act as an accountability partner. While working out together, the leader will ensure that his members are on track and motivated.

Keep in mind: You can also use social networking to build a reliable support system. Post your goals and achievements. There may be others who share their goals too.

Tip #8 – Get a Leg Up with Your Smart-Phone

woman with phone

With smartphones, weight loss motivation is only a tap away as there are mobile apps that will:

  • Help make weight loss an easier struggle.
  • Give you the much needed instant boost.
  • Help you to dish out healthy, tasty snack using ingredients found in your pantry.

Pay attention: There is a wide variety to choose from (paid and free options). Use them to your advantage.

Tip #9 – Turn off Your Inner Critic

woman with detoxing smoothie

Throughout the slimming process, you will find yourself confronted by several negative thoughts. It is referred to as the self-critic mode – it is entirely natural.

Many individuals employ self-criticism as a motivational tool, but for weight loss, it can impair your efforts.

Pay attention: Whenever your mind is taken over by such negative thoughts, silence it. Breathe. Focus on what you have achieved so far.

So what are you waiting for? Get off your butt and start losing weight! And share your results with us all in the comments section below.

Just a girl obsessed with everything related to weight loss & feeling healthy. Christine is my pen name and I hope you will love the stuff I write. Been researching diets & health since 2013 and my articles helped over 12 000 000 readers to date.Please keep in mind that this site is for informational purposes only and that you always need to consult your decisions with your doctor.